Gầy 25 mũi.
Ở đoạn infront, back, front then... tức là ta đan 4 mũi (2 xuống 2 lên) trên que đan phải từ 1 mũi trên quen đan trái.
Row 1 (RS): K2, * k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, (k1, p2) twice, rep from * once more, end k in front, back, front then back of next st, p2, k3 – 35 sts.
Rows 2 and 4: K2, * p1, k2, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, p1, k2, rep from * once more, end p1, k2, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2 – 47 sts.
Rows 3 and 5: K2, * (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, (k1, p2) twice, rep from * once more, end (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, k3 – 35 sts.
Row 6: K2, * p1, k2, p4 tog, k2, p1, k2, rep from * once more, end p1, k2, p4 tog, k2 – 26 sts.
Row 7: K2, * k1, p2, k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, k1, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k in front, back, front, then back of next st, k2 – 35 sts.
Rows 8 and 10: K2, * (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, (p1, k2) twice, rep from * once more, end (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, p1, k2 – 47 sts.
Rows 9 and 11: K2, * k1, p2, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, k1, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, k2 – 37 sts.
Row 12: K2, * p4 tog, k2, (p1, k2) twice, rep from * once more, end p4 tog, k2, p1, k2 – 26 sts.
Row 13: K2, * (k1, p2) twice, k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k3 – 32 sts.
Rows 14 and 16: K2, * (p1, k2) twice, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, rep from * once more, end (p1, k2) twice – 40 sts.
Rows 15 and 17: K2, * (k1, p2) twice, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k3 – 32 sts.
Row 18: K2, * (p1, k2) twice, p4 tog, k2, rep from * once more, end (p1, k2) twice – 26 sts.
Rep these 18 rows for Diagonal Blister St.
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