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1Dịch giúp em nhé chị ! Empty Dịch giúp em nhé chị ! 26/11/2009, 19:19


Cuộn len nhỏ
Cuộn len nhỏ
Chào chị,
Chị vui lòng dịch giúp em đoạn sau nhé:
RT2 Skip 1 st, k the next st, then k skipped st
Wrap and turn Bring yarn to front of work, sl 1 st to RH needle, bring yarn to the back of work, sl same st back to LH needle, turn and work in opposite direction. This st is now a wrapped st.
SCARF With straight needles, cast on 24 sts. Knit 5 rows. Set-Up Row (WS): K4, p6, k1, p2, k1, p6, k4.
Rows 1 and 3 (RS): K10, p1, RT2, p1, k10. Rows 2 and 4: K4, p6, k1, p2, k1, p6, k4. Note: As you reach each wrapped st, insert point of RH needle under wrap and pull it over wrapped st onto LH needle, then p these 2 sts tog. Row 5 (Right Leaf): K4, p6, turn; k6, turn; sl 1, p3, wrap and turn; k4, turn; sl 1, p2, wrap and turn; k3, turn; sl 1, p1, wrap and turn; k2, turn; sl 1, p5 (picking up wraps as in note), p1, RT2, p1, k10. Rows 6 and 8: Rep Row 2. Row 7: Rep Row 1. Row 9 (Left Leaf): K10, p1, RT2, p1, p6, turn; k6, turn; p6, turn; sl 1, k3, wrap and turn; p4, turn; sl 1, k2, wrap and turn; p3, turn; sl 1, k1, wrap and turn; p2 (picking up wraps as in note before Row 5), k4. Row 10: K4, p6 (picking up wraps), k1, p2, k1, p6, k4. Rep Rows 3 – 10 until piece measures approximately 54 1/2 ” from beg, end on WS with Row 10 of Pat St. Work Rows 1 – 4 once more. Knit 5 rows. Bind off.
Cảm ơn chị rất nhiều! Dịch giúp em nhé chị ! 584639

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