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Cuộn len nhỏ
Cuộn len nhỏ
Em đang rất muốn đan kiểu mũ này nhưng đọc chart Tiếng Anh rắc rối quá nên em ko hiểu được, mong chị nào dịch giúp em chart ra tiếng việt. Nếu mẫu này có bạn nào hỏi rồi thì cho em xin cái link bản dịch chart và xin lỗi vì ko tìm kỹ. Em đang muốn đan cái mũ này tặng bạn. Thx mọi người:x!
Nhờ mọi người dịch hộ em cái chart Tympany_op
Và chart
        Approximately 21” around x 7 1/2” high (not including earflaps)
[url=http://www.danmoc.net/]        [/url][url=http://www.danmoc.net/]1 Ball each [/url][url=http://www.berroco.com/shade_cards/sox_metallic_sh.html]BERROCO SOX METALLIC[/url] (100 grs), #1364 Kiwi (A) and #1366 Mangosteen (B)
          16” Length circular knitting needle, size 2 (2.75 mm) OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
          1 Set (5) double pointed knitting needles, size 2 (2.75 mm)
          Crochet hook, size 4.00 mm (F)
          Tapestry needle
          1 St marker
        Clover Art.No 3124 Pom Pom Maker (optional)
        30 sts = 4”;  40 rnds = 4” in St st
        [b]BOTTOM BAND[/b]
        [b]Square 1:[/b]
With dpn’s, using B, cast on 72 sts.  Divide sts onto 4 needles (18 sts
per needle) and join, being careful not to twist sts.  Mark for beg of
rnd and carry marker up.  Knit 1 rnd.
        [b]Dec Rnd:[/b]
* K2 tog, k to last 2 sts on needle, SSK, rep from * 3 times more – 64
sts.  Knit 1 rnd.  Rep Dec Rnd every other rnd until 8 sts remain.
Break off yarn leaving an 8” long end.  Thread end into tapestry needle
and draw through all sts on needles.  Pull up tightly and secure.
        [b]Note:[/b]  Squares should be joined in a straight line with Square 8 joining the line into a ring.
        [b]Squares 2-7:[/b]
 With RS facing, using dpn’s and B, pick up and k18 sts along one edge
of previous square, then cast on 54 sts – 72 sts.  Complete same as
Square 1.
        [b]Square 8:[/b]  With RS facing,
using dpn’s and B, pick up and k18 sts along one edge of previous
square, cast on 18 sts, pick up and k18 sts along one edge of Square 1,
then cast on 18 sts – 72 sts.  Complete same as Square 1.
        [b]Crown: [/b]
With RS facing, using circular needle and A, pick up and k144 sts along
one edge of band (pick up 18 sts along edge of each square).  Mark for
beg of rnd and carry marker up.  Work even in St st (k EVERY rnd) until
piece measures 7” from lower edge of band.
        [b]Shape Top: [/b] Dec Rnd 1:  * K2 tog, rep from * around – 72 sts.  Knit 2 rnds.  Divide sts onto 4 dpn’s, keeping marker at beg of rnd.
        [b]Dec Rnd 2: [/b] Rep Dec Rnd 1 – 36 sts.  Knit 1 rnd.
        [b]Dec Rnd 3:[/b]
Rep Dec Rnd 1 – 18 sts.  Break off yarn leaving an 8” long end.  Thread
end into tapestry needle and draw through all sts on needles.  Pull up
tightly and secure.
        Place marker between 2 square of band for center back of hat.
        [b]Right Earflap:[/b]
With RS facing, using circular needle and A, skip first 13 sts of
square to the left of marker, pick up and k5 sts in remaining sts of
first square, 18 sts across next square, then 5 sts in first 5 sts of
next square – 28 sts.  Work even in Garter St for 1”, end on WS.
        [b]Dec Row:[/b]  K2, k2 tog, k to end.  Rep this dec EVERY row 19 times more, end on WS – 8 sts.  Bind off.
        [b]Left Earflap: [/b]
With RS facing, using circular needle and A, skip first 2 square to the
right of marker, then skip 5 sts of the next square.  Pick up and k5
sts in the 5 sts of that square, 18 sts across next square, then 5 sts
in first 5 sts of next square – 28 sts.  Complete same as right earflap.
With RS facing, using crochet hook and 2 strands of A held tog, work in
sc around entire lower edge of hat and earflaps, join with a sl st in
first sc.  Fasten off.
        [b]Ties (Make 2):[/b]
Cut two 30” long strands of A and one 30” long strand of B.  Put
strands tog and fold in half.  Insert crochet hook in lower edge of
earflap from RS and pull loop through.  Insert ends of strands through
loop and pull up tightly fastening strands to earflap.  Braid strands
tog and knot at end leaving 2” free for tassel.
        [b]Pom Pom: [/b]Using both colors make 1 pom pom with the largest size pom pom maker following the instructions on the package.


Cuộn len vừa
Cuộn len vừa
nhìn mũ dễ thương nhỉ! bounce dan2 :kni2:



Cuộn len nhỏ
Cuộn len nhỏ
Hix, ai đó giúp em đi ạ!

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